I used to code Flash stuff during the last 10 years.
To do this I used SwishMax for 1. it's easy use 2. the price which was way lower than the real Flash tool.
This application had support for components.
You can compare it to code modules or libraries with the big different that you could add a tiny settings interface/panel to your module.
Where can this be usefull for in B4A?
Well, let's say you have a library that just scrolls a piece of text.
just add the line scrolltext() to execute your module.
in the component you can easily set the text, color (colorpicker), font-size (droplist) etc for scrolltext object.
calling the component is just calling a sub that retrieves all settings from the component panel.
The main reason I want this for is especially the manifest mods, almost every tricky module or library requires modification in the manifest file and I don't have a clue if some of these things need to be change with your own reference or not and the forum is full of questions about this aswell since it's not always clear what needs to be placed where.
In the component you could add the full manifest strings with a [$var1] variables in it or something, then we see or get notified if that string is not yet filled in in the component panel and requires our own reference.
since the full string is known in the module you could remove it from the manifest aswell if the module gets deleted from the project so things can clean up automatically.
I know this requires a lot of work for Erel and the mod coders since they need to keep this in mind.
But then you'll have modules that just require to be inserted, a few lines of code and every beginner can use the panel to customize most settings that otherwise would require extra code.
If you want I can give a screenshot that might clear up some things.
I used to code Flash stuff during the last 10 years.
To do this I used SwishMax for 1. it's easy use 2. the price which was way lower than the real Flash tool.
This application had support for components.
You can compare it to code modules or libraries with the big different that you could add a tiny settings interface/panel to your module.
Where can this be usefull for in B4A?
Well, let's say you have a library that just scrolls a piece of text.
just add the line scrolltext() to execute your module.
in the component you can easily set the text, color (colorpicker), font-size (droplist) etc for scrolltext object.
calling the component is just calling a sub that retrieves all settings from the component panel.
The main reason I want this for is especially the manifest mods, almost every tricky module or library requires modification in the manifest file and I don't have a clue if some of these things need to be change with your own reference or not and the forum is full of questions about this aswell since it's not always clear what needs to be placed where.
In the component you could add the full manifest strings with a [$var1] variables in it or something, then we see or get notified if that string is not yet filled in in the component panel and requires our own reference.
since the full string is known in the module you could remove it from the manifest aswell if the module gets deleted from the project so things can clean up automatically.
I know this requires a lot of work for Erel and the mod coders since they need to keep this in mind.
But then you'll have modules that just require to be inserted, a few lines of code and every beginner can use the panel to customize most settings that otherwise would require extra code.
If you want I can give a screenshot that might clear up some things.