Having been away for some considerable time I have not kept pace and am trying to catch up. I read about replacement of Serial2 with the Ex version, tried that by using the two seperate dll's, it didn't work.
I read the Serial2 help and it says it is required, so I looked at the file (library) dates and the Ex version is 1-2 days later.
I tried Serial2 and it worked.
The 'updated since' sticky did not help, it is out of date.
Can somebody please explain the current situation please, has serial2 incorporated the Ex version, or viceversa (probably not) or are they different?
Thank you.
I read the Serial2 help and it says it is required, so I looked at the file (library) dates and the Ex version is 1-2 days later.
I tried Serial2 and it worked.
The 'updated since' sticky did not help, it is out of date.
Can somebody please explain the current situation please, has serial2 incorporated the Ex version, or viceversa (probably not) or are they different?
Thank you.