Content Chooser


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Longtime User
I'm a bit lost using the Content Chooser.

As Per the Help Viewer:

"If the user has installed a file manager then the ContentChooser can be used to select general files.
This object should usually be declared as a process global object."

Am I correct that the "File Manager is the FILE library?, or is it the "Files TAB" in the IDE or am I really lost?

I added a file using the "Files" tab in the IDE the copied as below:
   Dim fn As String 
   fn = "8598.pdf"    ' this should be in File.DirAssets
                                ' need to copy to root external

Next I need to get the PATH using the content chooser I was told. How is this done? The help says to use Show (Mime As String, Title As String)

I'm lost



Licensed User
Longtime User
A simple code to work with Content Chooser:

Dim CC As ContentChooser

CC.Show("text/*", "Choose file")
CC.Show("image/*", "Choose image")
CC.Show("audio/*", "Choose audio file")

Also, on THIS thread you can find some other useful info.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Well I've been trying to get ContentChooser to work with no luck.

Sub Process_Globals
   'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
   'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
   Dim CC As ContentChooser
End Sub

I get an error: Error description: Unknown type: contentchooser

I was under the impression that all the types were part of the CORE LIB just like file is. I've seen reference to it being in the PHONE lib. Is there a list of what types are in what lib's or do we just guess?

If I lookup ContentChooser under "Documents/Types" it says nothing about what Lib it is in.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Its in the phone library, and the sub you state on initialize, must have "_Result (Success As Boolean, Dir As String, FileName As String)" after it.

Help viewer makes finding stuff easy.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you. I guess I just didn't understand what types are in what lib. I have the helpviwer and it does have a good search but there is very little detail beyond the syntax

Thanks again
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Make sure you have Forum checked under the search bar, there are examples hidden everywhere, the odds are high, that someone has encountered the same problems as you.
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