I am using ContentResolver to query for images in the gallery, this being the documented Query call:
Query (Uri As Uri, Projection() As String, C, SelectionArgs() As String, SortOrder As String) As CursorWrapper
It seems that the selection clause (Selection As String) can only be a simple clause like:
"relative_path = ? AND mime_type = ?"
Which I have working, but I'd like to be able to do something like:
"relative_path CONTAINS ? AND mime_type = ?"
I have tried every permutation I can think of and googled myself silly without any luck.
Is this possible? If so can anyone give me some guidance as to the exact verbage.
Query (Uri As Uri, Projection() As String, C, SelectionArgs() As String, SortOrder As String) As CursorWrapper
It seems that the selection clause (Selection As String) can only be a simple clause like:
"relative_path = ? AND mime_type = ?"
Which I have working, but I'd like to be able to do something like:
"relative_path CONTAINS ? AND mime_type = ?"
I have tried every permutation I can think of and googled myself silly without any luck.
Is this possible? If so can anyone give me some guidance as to the exact verbage.