B4R Question Control multiple ardruino through ethernet.


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Longtime User
Have three devices with ethernet shield and mp3 module.
Now i want to control them through ethernet with my android phone
What is the best solution ? Should i use udp to control them ? (want to control the mp3 tracks)
They are on same network.
I am new on B4r

Thank you?


Licensed User
Longtime User
It depends. Is there any PC or Android or Raspberry Pi that is always running and connected to this network? If yes then you can use MQTT. It will be simpler and more reliable.

UDP is also a good option. Just make sure to assign static IP addresses to each of the Arduinos.

That means i must compile for each ardruino separate because of the static ip ?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Erel is there any example, i would like to send some asci codes to communicate between arduino and android.
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