B4J Question Converting a B4A app to a B4J app


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I developped a B4A app where I do the following.
Sub Globals
Private const CouleurGris As Int = Colors.ARGB(255, 90, 106, 112)
Private const CouleurOrange As Int = Colors.ARGB(255, 193, 134, 38)
Private const CouleurRouge As Int = Colors.ARGB(255, 150, 21, 38)
End Sub
Sub SetActivityProperties (Titre As String, Couleur As Int)
Activity.Color = Couleur
Activity.Title = Titre
End Sub
SetActivityProperties ("Titre de la forme", CouleurGris)

I converted the app to B4J, with few changes (thank you) but I can't find the right syntax for this specific item.

This is working of course
frm.Title = "Titre de la forme"
frm.backcolor = fx.Colors.ARGB(255, 90, 106, 112)

I tried to declare
Private CouleurGris As JFX.scene.paint.color = fx.Colors.ARGB(255, 90, 106, 112)

But it seems to be a syntax error.
I even don't know how to declare the sub argument to pass the color
The JFX Library is loaded of course.

Any idea?
What Am I missing?