I am iterating with a for loop through a map of phone details and removing those older than 14 days. However unless I use a try catch the loop crashes, I assume its because I am reducing the amount of items in the map and then it dies when trying to count to the original number of items.
Is there any way around this without resorting to a try catch?
Is there any way around this without resorting to a try catch?
For I = 0 To phoneMap.Size - 1
'get the key out
Dim Key As String= phoneMap.GetKeyAt(I)
Dim Value As String= phoneMap.GetValueAt(I)
Log("read for date " & Value)
Dim comma As Int = Value.IndexOf(",")
Dim dateSaved As String = Value.SubString(comma +1)
'PROBLEM! You have a loop through a list but the list is shrinking as items are deleted from it, therefore you run out of items and the system crashes, ie: it wants to loop to 14 but you only have 7 in the list because you have just deleted out 7. fixed with below sort of
Try 'nasty coding but wtf
If (dateSaved <= date14DaysAgo) Then
Log(" delete this entry too old " & dateSaved)
End If
End Try