I installed the libs, placed the objects and like where they belong. I created a class in my program but when I Dim'd the MyMsgBox As CustomMsgBox it showed up red in the globals. Any ideas?
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim myMsgBox As CustomMsgBox - this shows red
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
'Without Icon
myMsgBox.Initialize(Activity, Me, "Default", "H", 1, 95%x, 200dip, Null)
'Then add text to the Title and Body of the custom msgbox
myMsgBox.Title.Text = "Custom MsgBox v1.0"
myMsgBox.ShowMessage("Simple box with 1 button, horizontal")
'This routine will get the button tapped, in this case "Default"
'is the name of the message box, you can name yours with whatever name you like
Sub Default_Click
Msgbox(myMsgBox.ButtonSelected, "Button Pressed")
End Sub
'Class module
Sub Class_Globals
Dim myMsgBox As CustomMsgBox - this shows red
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
'Without Icon
myMsgBox.Initialize(Activity, Me, "Default", "H", 1, 95%x, 200dip, Null)
'Then add text to the Title and Body of the custom msgbox
myMsgBox.Title.Text = "Custom MsgBox v1.0"
myMsgBox.ShowMessage("Simple box with 1 button, horizontal")
'This routine will get the button tapped, in this case "Default"
'is the name of the message box, you can name yours with whatever name you like
Sub Default_Click
Msgbox(myMsgBox.ButtonSelected, "Button Pressed")
End Sub