CustomView Section


Licensed User
Longtime User
Customviews are a very important feature since the last b4x updates.
it would be very useful to have a section where all customviews are located (different section for each platform (b4i,b4a,b4j))

like this we could share/download customviews from each other from 1 section in this forum (like we can with libraries)


(ps: no need to collect all customviews now, only open that section and everyone will add his customviews to that section)


Licensed User
Longtime User
ok @Erel but besides you i dont see anyone adding customviews like you described (libraries forum with [CustomView] tag)
actually i didnot knew it should be added to that section and also with a Tag.

the section also says: Additional libraries, classes and official updates

maybe it is not clear to all members. i agree with you that a library is a library whether it was developed as a native lib or compiled with b4x code both belong to the library thread but classes and customviews in my opinion should have their section (at least combine both in a different section then libraries)

it would make it easier to find customviews (+ classes), now i only find them mixed all over the forum like in share your creation section,...

again it is only my opinion
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