B4A Library [CustomView] Simple Guitar Chord Chart

Beta test time again, here is a Custom View I created to use in testing which takes a chord name and an array of strings that represent fret positions (1st 5 only currently) and displays a graphical representation.

It accepts numbers (1 -5 do something), 0 (Zero) for open string and X for muted String.

Chord1.DrawChord("C Maj",Array As String(0,3,2,0,1,0))


Chord1.DrawChord("D Maj",Array As String("X","X",0,2,3,2))

The Custom View is going to be a boon for this kind of thing.

You can add the view to the designer, Select addview, customview. Then in the dropdown CustomType (Below the +TextStyle box) select ShowChord.

You then need to Generate the Dim for it however you usually do when using the designer and your good to go.

Requires B4A 2.70 Beta or later


  • ShowChord.zip
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