Android Question Date time Problem/error (SOLVED)


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I'm using a device as a kiosk device.
The problem is actually with android i think.
I set the current time zone manualy but after restart it moves to another zone.
Now its set as auto from network .
But now the problem is the phone starts with wrong zone and the shifts to correct zone.
The app starts up before the time zone shift and load time from wrong zone and stays like that even after time shifts in background.
Is there a way to refresh the time zone in app to get the correct timezone without restarting app. The app can't restart.
I even set global time zones with adb and problem stays.


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Can you tell us a little more about what the app does and how a shifting time zone adversely effects the app?

Is the *only* problem is that it displays the wrong time? or does if effect some other feature of your app?

This info might help us figure out a work-around to the actual problems in your app in the event there is no way to fix the issue out side of your app.
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Hi JohnC
Yes the app is reporting to server every 5min so that system know it is on.
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OK, for that *particular* action, why can't the server consider the kiosk as "running" when it receives *any* report from the kiosk, regardless of the time zone on the kiosk?
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Yes it is possible to change code on server , but that was my last option. Hoped i can just correct problem on devices ...
Thank you Johnc
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That is weird that the time zone will suddenly change after you manually set it (and in non-auto network mode).
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Which time is wrong? Is it the Android device time or is it the time calculation in your program? And with my android phone outside my "Home" time zone it display both the "Home" and the "Local" time zone.
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Could you write out how you get the time routines in the kiosk device program?
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Thanks i found the solution to my problem.
Must call 'DateTime.ListenToExternalTimeChanges' at boot.
Thank you
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