B4J Library Date Time Utils library for B4X

There are two untils class on this library:
- jtime4x: The class method which Until has alot date time functions.
- jDate (): The class has obligations to convert date time types to string, long,...

getCurrentLocalDateTime(ZoneID as String) as LocalDateTime
getCurrentLocalTime(ZoneID as String) as LocalTime
getCurrentLocalDate(ZoneID as String) as LocalDate
getNDaysAgo(value as int, outputFormat as String) as Date
getNDaysAgo2(datev as jDate, value as int, outputFormat as String) as Date
CompareDate1toDate2(day1 as jDate, day2 as jDate) as int
getTimeZone(localtion as String) as TimeZone
RandomTime(nums as int) as Date
StringToInstant(value as String) as Instant
ConvertFullTimeZone(format as String, date as jDate, zone as String) as String
ConvertDate(year as int, month as int, day as int ) as jDate
isValidDateTime(value as String) as boolean
isValidDate(value as String) as boolean
NowUTC() as jDate
NowUTC2(format as String) as String
StringToLocal(date as String) as LocalDateTime
ParseIsoToLocal(date as String) as LocalDateTime
ParseEpochMilliToLocal(date as String) as LocalDateTime
getAge(birthDay as jDate) as int
getQuarterOfYear(localDateTime as LocalDateTime) as int
PlusYears(date as Date, amountToAdd as long) as Date
plusMonths(Date date, amountToAdd as long) as Date
timestamp2Date(timestamp as String, newFormat as String) as String
getCountdownWithDay(start as Date, end as Date, unitNames as String) as String
getOverlapTime(Date startDate1, Date endDate1, Date startDate2, Date endDate2) as long
isOverlap(startDate1 as Date, endDate1 as Date, startDate2 as Date, endDate2 as Date) as boolean
getLastYear(value as Date) as Date
getLastMonth(value as Date) as Date
getLastWeek(value as Date) as Date
getYesterday(value as Date) as Date
getNextYear(value as Date) as Date
getNextMonth(value as Date) as Date
startTimeOfDate(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth) as Date
compare(date1 as Date, date2 as Date) as int
isBirthDay(birthDay as Date) as boolean
nextWeek(value as Date) as Date
getAverageTime(datelist as List) as LocalTime
getCountdown(millis as long) as String
periodBetween(startDateInclusive as LocalDate, endDateExclusive as LocalDate) as int
lengthOfYear(date as Date) as int
lengthOfMonth(date as Date) as int
isWorkDay(date as Date) as boolean
isLeapYear(year as int) as boolean
getCountdown(millis as long, unitNames as String) as String

Source code: https://github.com/tummosoft/jtime4x

Dim jtime4x As jtime4x
    Dim jdtt As jDate
    jdtt.LocalDateTime = jtime4x.getCurrentLocalDateTime("Africa/Accra") 
    Log("getCurrentLocalDateTime: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.LocalDate = jtime4x.getCurrentLocalDate("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur")
    Log("getCurrentLocalDate: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.LocalTime = jtime4x.getCurrentLocalTime("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur")
    Log("getCurrentLocalTime: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.JavaDate  = jtime4x.getNDaysAgo(-21, "dd/MM/yyyy")
    Log("Last 24 day ago: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.JavaDate  = jtime4x.getNDaysAgo(10, "dd/MM/yyyy")
    Log("Next 10 day: " & jdtt.toString)
    Dim jnow As jtime4x
    jdtt.JavaDate  = jtime4x.plusMonths(jnow.ConvertDate(2023,5,15), 2)
    Log("Plus 2 month: " & jdtt.toString)
    ' SringToDate auto support many date string type:
    ' <pre>
    ' =====================yyyy-MM-dd ====================
    ' yyyy-MM-dd    2020-05-23 or 2020-5-23
    ' yyyyMMdd        20200523
    ' yyyy/MM/dd    2020/05/23 or 2020/5/23
    ' yyyy.MM.dd    2020.05.23 or 2020.5.23
    ' =====================yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss =====================
    ' yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss        2020-05-23 17:06:30
    ' yyyyMMddHHmmss            20200523170630
    ' yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm        2020-05-23 17:06
    ' yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm        2020/05/23 17:06
    ' =====================yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS =====================
    ' yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS        2020-05-23 17:06:30.272
    ' yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS        2020-05-23 17:06:30,272
    ' yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS            20200523170630272
    ' =====================Iso=====================
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ            2020-05-23T17:06:30+0800
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'        2020-05-23T17:06:30Z
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssxxx        2020-05-23T17:06:30+08:00
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ        2020-05-23T17:06:30.272+0800
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSxxx        2020-05-23T17:06:30.272+08:00
    ' yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX        2020-05-23T09:06:30.272Z
    ' =====================other=====================
    '  EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy         Sat May 23 17:06:30 CST 2020
    Dim stringDate As String  = "2024-01-20T14:22:22Z"
    jdtt.InstantTime = jtime4x.StringToInstant(stringDate)
    Log("StringToInstant: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.LocalDateTime = jtime4x.getCurrentLocalDateTime("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur")
    Log("LocalDateTime: " & jdtt.toString)
    jdtt.JavaDate = jtime4x.getNDaysAgo2(jtime4x.NowUTC, 10, "dd/MM/yyyy")
    Log("LocalDateTime: " & jdtt.toString)
    Dim jdate2 As jDate
    Dim compare As Int = jtime4x.CompareDate1toDate2(jtime4x.NowUTC,jdate2)
    jdtt.JavaDate = jtime4x.NowUTC
    Log("Date to long: " & jdtt.Time)
    jdtt.LongTime = jdtt.Time
    Log("long to Date: " & jdtt.toString)
    Dim jdate1 As jDate

    Dim isTime As Boolean = jtime4x.isValidDate("12/01")
    Log("12/01 is Time: " & isTime)
    For i=0 To 10
        Dim jdate2 As jDate
        jdate2.Initialize3(jtime4x.RandomTime(i + 3))
        Log("RANDOM: " & jdate2.toString & "\n")
    Dim jdate2 As jDate
    Dim tzz = jtime4x.getAge(jdate2)
    Log("Your age is: " & tzz)


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