Daughter Learning to program


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Hi all,

My daughter has seen me creating android apps and want to learn (having never programmed before). I was thinking about putting B4A on her laptop for her to play with (obviously she can ask me questions if she gets stuck). Is it ok to use the trial version for this, or should i purchase another full copy????

its just as with most kids i have brought her stuff in the past and it ends up gathering dust, i want to see if she sticks at it, but in my mind the trial version is to see if you like it or not, and i know she wont find anything easier to create on.




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My 9 year old daughter asked me if she could learn to do an app so I have simply created a project on my setup and we sit together and I talk her through doing it. So far we have the layout sorted for a basic app. Going pretty well and she is showing an interest.


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I think you are entitled to install B4A on 2 different computers. For instance, I have one installation at home and another one at work.

Also my boy have started programming so since he's a student, I bought a full version from Erel with student-discount.


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If she's 'helping' you with writing applications :)

Then I can't imagine that Erel would mind her using an installation of your B4A, after all we can all see what's going to happen, she's going to write an app, put it on her phone then go to school and show all her friends, then they're going to want to know how she did it, it goes totally viral and all the school kids in the UK go out and buy a copy of B4A.... simples :) it becomes the next 'fad' in school.

I think you teaching your daughter to program is really cool!



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I think if she sticks with it i will buy another copy so she can use it, i just want to see if she sticks with it, as kids now a-days want everything yesterday. Hopefully she will enjoy it and stick with it, but she is currently in her last year of A-Levels (uk schooling), and then will start at university in September 2013 so not sure how much time she will have, but if she enjoys it as i do she will be happy.




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Just go ahead and dig deep into your pocket, specially she has student discount.
I have 3 daughters and the one who is tailgating them always wanted to become somebody! so I will buy her a copy and give her a headstart.. BTW: today's kids are smarter than us.. the middle one showed me how to use my first smartphone. So all they need is the headlines then you just watch!!
for this I think you will need to setup an offline community forum around the kitchen table.


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Yeah, it is true about the kid, she has always been more intelligent than me, and she is off to university in September to study for a Biochemistry degree. i am going to sit with her at my laptop for a few weeks so she can play and see what she thinks, she said it looks interesting, if she wants to stick with it after that i will buy a copy for her to play with, hopefully she will be come a millionaire :) (i can dream)


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hopefully she will become a millionaire
yeah, who knows.. encourage her to start writing a simple mobile bioapp in B4A that doctors can use in clinics, and she will become a millionaire. BTW: your daughter is the same age as my middle daughter. She obtained hi scores in SAT test last month and will go Rutgers this September. God bless them.