Android Example Decimal Number to Greek Words - Olografos

With this example I show how a decimal number can be translated to Greek words.

For example: Log(DeployCurrencyToText(1234.04)) give the result χίλια διακόσια τριάντα τέσσερα ευρώ και τέσσερα λεπτά

The code is
Sub DeployCurrencyToText(TheDouble As Double) As String
    Dim Olografos As StringBuilder
    Dim DoubleForRegex As String = NumberFormat2(TheDouble, 2, 2, 2, False)
    Dim Buffer() As String
    Buffer = Regex.Split("\.", DoubleForRegex)
    Olografos.Append(CurrencyToText(Buffer(0)) & "ευρώ ").Append("και " & CurrencyToText(Buffer(1)) & " λεπτά")
    Return Olografos.ToString
End Sub

Sub CurrencyToText(curamount As Double) As String
    Dim curhmth, curtmth, curmth, curhth, curtth, curth, curh, curt, curo As Int
    If curamount < 0 Then
        Return False
    End If
    curhmth = (curamount / 100000000)
    curtmth = (((curamount) Mod 100000000) / 10000000)
    curmth = (((curamount) Mod 10000000) / 1000000)
    curhth = (((curamount) Mod 1000000) / 100000)
    curtth = (((curamount) Mod 100000) / 10000)
    curth = (((curamount) Mod 10000) / 1000)
    curh = (((curamount) Mod 1000) / 100)
    curt = (((curamount) Mod 100) / 10)
    curo = (((curamount) Mod 10))
    Dim curarray1() As String = Array("μια", "δύο", "τρεις", "τέσσερις", "πέντε", "έξι", "επτά", "οκτώ", "εννέα")
    Dim curarray2() As String = Array("δέκα", "έντεκα", "δώδεκα", "δεκατρείς", "δεκατέσσερις", "δεκαπέντε", "δεκαέξι", "δεκαεπτά", "δεκαοκτώ", "δεκαεννέα")
    Dim curarray3() As String = Array("", "είκοσι", "τριάντα", "σαράντα", "πενήντα", "εξήντα", "εβδομήντα", "ογδόντα", "ενενήντα")
    Dim curarray4() As String = Array("εκατό", "διακόσιες", "τριακόσιες", "τετρακόσιες", "πεντακόσιες", "εξακόσιες", "επτακόσιες", "οκτακόσιες", "εννιακόσιες")
    Dim curarray5() As String = Array("ένα", "δύο", "τρία", "τέσσερα", "πέντε", "έξι", "επτά", "οκτώ", "εννέα")
    Dim curarray6() As String = Array("εκατό", "διακόσια", "τριακόσια", "τετρακόσια", "πεντακόσια", "εξακόσια", "επτακόσια", "οκτακόσια", "εννιακόσια")
    Dim curarray7() As String = Array("δέκα", "έντεκα", "δώδεκα", "δεκατρία", "δεκατέσσερα", "δεκαπέντε", "δεκαέξι", "δεκαεπτά", "δεκαοκτώ", "δεκαεννέα")
    Dim part1m, part2m, part3m, part4m, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7 As String
    If curhmth = 0 Then
         part1m = ""
        part1m = curarray6(curhmth - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curtmth = 0 Then
        part2m = ""
    Else If curtmth = 1 Then
        part2m = curarray7(curtmth - 1 + curmth - 1) & " "
        part2m = curarray3(curtmth - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curmth = 0 Or curtmth = 1 Then
        part3m = ""
        part3m = curarray5(curmth - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curhmth = 0 And curtmth = 0 And curmth = 0 Then
        part4m = ""
    Else If curhmth = 0 And curtmth = 0 And curmth = 1 Then
        part4m = "εκατομμύριο "
        part4m = "εκατομμύρια "
    End If
    If curhth = 0 Then
        part1 = ""
        part1 = curarray4(curhth - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curtth = 0 Then
        part2 = ""
    Else If curtth = 1 Then
        part2 = curarray2(curtth - 1 + curth - 1) & " "
        part2 = curarray3(curtth) & " "
    End If
    If curth = 0 Or curtth = 1 Then
        part3 = ""
    Else If curhth = 0 And curtth = 0 And curth = 1 Then
        part3 = "χίλια "
        part3 = curarray1(curth - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curhth = 0 And curtth = 0 And curth = 0 Then
        part4 = ""
    Else If curhth = 0 And curtth = 0 And curth = 1 Then
        part4 = ""
        part4 = "χιλιάδες "
    End If
    If curh = 0 Then
        part5 = ""
        part5 = curarray6(curh - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curt = 0 Then
        part6 = ""
    Else If curt = 1 Then
        part6 = curarray7(curt - 1 + curo) & " "
        part6 = curarray3(curt - 1) & " "
    End If
    If curamount < 1 Then
        part7 = "μηδέν "
    Else If curo = 0 Or curt = 1 Then
        part7 = ""
        part7 = curarray5(curo - 1) & " "
    End If
    Return part1m & part2m & part3m & part4m & part1 & part2 & part3 & part4 & part5 & part6 & part7

End Sub


Licensed User
What you mean with "what with the 7 classes of digits."
IMHO, he meant about curarray1,..,curarray7

Yes, classes in the natural language sense, not the OOP sense.

In English, I just needed arrays for units, tens and thousands. It looks like you had to deal with patterns more intricate than that. I don't speak Greek, but even so, I can still admire the artistry of your code ;-)

This video of a NYC cabbie counting in French made me feel better, though.
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