i have a idea maybe someone can do something with is
i open the webpage of my app:
and then i view the source code and look for: "rate"
now i see that all details is there like the userid, name, rating,...
data-userid="106229959575417422270" title="Kobi Cohen" target="_blank">Kobi Cohen</a> </span> <span class="author-name" title="" style="display:none"></span> <span class="review-date">August 10, 2013</span> <a class="reviews-permalink" href="
maybe its possible to create a library or class that open the the source code of the app web page and look for users that has rated the app and if userid is the same like userid in the phone then "user allready rated = true"
users that has rated but dont give a review wont be listed there but 50% of the users is better the nothing
is this possible? i dont know how to read something from webpage, need your help b4a friends