iOS Question Detect panel at 180º


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I am trying to detect when the panel is rotated 180º but it does not detect it

Sub Button2_Click
    Panel1.Rotation = Panel1.Rotation + 90
    Log("New angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
End Sub

Sub CurrentRotation(Angulo As Int)
    Select Angulo
        Case 0
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 90
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 180, -180    '<--- NO DETECTED
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 270, -90
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
    End Select
End Sub


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Adding values to Panel1.Rotation leads to rounding errors and thus the .Rotation value might for example be 89 instead of 90. Use a global variable (0,1,2,3) for the orientation. No need for your Sub CurrentRotation but it will work nonetheless.

' Process_Globals
Private iPanel1Rot As Int = 0

Sub Button2_Click
    iPanel1Rot = iPanel1Rot + 1
    If iPanel1Rot > 3 Then iPanel1Rot = 0
    Select Case iPanel1Rot
        Case 1
            Panel1.Rotation = 90
        Case 2
            Panel1.Rotation = 180
        Case 3
            Panel1.Rotation = 270
        Case Else
            Panel1.Rotation = 0
    End Select
End Sub
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Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
Adding values to Panel1.Rotation leads to rounding errors and thus the .Rotation value might for example be 89 instead of 90. Use a global variable (0,1,2,3) for the orientation. No need for your Sub CurrentRotation but it will work nonetheless.

' Process_Globals
Private iPanel1Rot As Int = 0

Sub Button2_Click
    iPanel1Rot = iPanel1Rot + 1
    If iPanel1Rot > 3 Then iPanel1Rot = 0
    Select Case iPanel1Rot
        Case 1
            Panel1.Rotation = 90
        Case 2
            Panel1.Rotation = 180
        Case 3
            Panel1.Rotation = 270
        Case Else
            Panel1.Rotation = 0
    End Select
End Sub
Thanks, I can't detect it this way either

Sub Button2_Click
    iPanel1Rot = iPanel1Rot + 1
    If iPanel1Rot > 3 Then iPanel1Rot = 0
    Select Case iPanel1Rot
        Case 1
            Panel1.Rotation = 90
        Case 2
            Panel1.Rotation = 180
        Case 3
            Panel1.Rotation = 270
        Case Else
            Panel1.Rotation = 0
    End Select
    Log("New angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)

End Sub

Sub CurrentRotation(Angulo As Int)
    Select Angulo
        Case 0
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 90
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 180, -180    '<--- NO DETECTED
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
        Case 270, -90
            Log("Angle: " & Panel1.Rotation)
    End Select
End Sub
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Active Member
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Why do you want to detect it with Panel1.Rotation if you've got the global variable for this?
If it is necessary, a work-around might be to round the angle like this before the Select Angulo:
Angulo = Round(Angulo / 90) * 90
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