Well that is an interesting article. Most interesting is w10X which is expressed as [emphases inserted] : " a modern and lightweight version of the operating system for low and mid-range PCs ".
But, that it won't be available for "user-installation" (ie to upgrade) on a current machine is not such good news.
Its about time that MS did a real overhaul of the OS that we all use / abuse / and love or hate; and, gets rid of the bloat. There again, most of our financial resources would most likely not support the hardware upgrade that might entail - one would anticipate that it would be pure 64-bit up. Many of us are on low-end / mid-range PCs so that's a pity - but maybe the consumer market will see it working well (barring tweaked hardware for the pre-installed systems), and press MS into making it broadly available.
There gain 10x implies that one would not have to do that hardware upgrade (Oh - 10X is minus the 32bit support so . . . .0.
One could also wonder : what could MS get up to to murder Android?
Could one foreseeably anticipate BSOD for Android? HEH HEH....