Disabling/reducing ads an incentive/achievement


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I was considering making my game ad free for people who have met a certain criteria. For example, players that have reached a certain level or had the app installed for a certain amount of time. This is the only app I have that earns ad revenue and losing it would be upsetting. has anyone ever explored this" play it until its free" model?


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As a player of games (not maker), I can say I've never seen this model. Which might indicate it's not a winner.

Not sure I would appreciate it, I imagine I would feel manipulated.

Andrew (Digitwell)

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So basically as your app becomes more popular and more used, the less revenue you will make.

How about as frequent user is supplied with referral codes which when used by another user gives the original user a free play period (1 month, 6 months etc) This is what Trello used to do.


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I use unique codes to update scores in my leaderboard databases.

With people who have multiple devices (phone, tablet) I kept in mind that scores should be transferable or updating while playing on multiple devices.

To be able to transfer the code I had a screen where you could see or type in another code.

When the people from Apple saw this, after it was already several years active, they called me that I had to remove that.

They think it's a way to give users extra features while bought via another method than their app store.

So your referal code might be a risky thing unless you do it via some web based method outside the app.
But how will you track if the app was actually installed before you grant some gifts?
Then you'll need to let the new user enter some info (email address or referal code?)