Do you pay for any API that seems to be Overpriced/Expensive ? or is there an API you need?


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Hi everyone ?,
I would love to know if anyone uses any API service that seems expensive or needs an API service, but you can't seem to find it?
Please join this conversation.

My business wants to offer B4x developers different APIs for cheap and scalable prices.
We have Bet365 sports API, Social media Post generator API, Proxy API for data scrapping, and many more.

Also if you have a specific type of API you need, please let's discuss it, I should be able to provide it for you as I am an API provider.

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Can you explain your Proxy API for data scrapping ? How it works?

Hi yes!
So basically, you send the URL you want to scrape data from to the API and we handle the complexities associated.
Normally most websites would block you once they detect you are scrapping data but we have a lot of automatic IP addresses that we switch to that allows you to grab the data you need without any worry.
We are also working on render scrapping which would allow you scrape data from websites that require you to be making the request from a real browser also.


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Longtime User
i would like an API to get crypto stats. looked a lot for something but could not find it.