Android Question Do you think this is a brilliant idea?


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That was rhetorical :)

I know it's a brilliant idea.

I have the hardware, you know I have the skills.

I have applied for a patent.

Leme' know what ya think.

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Leme' know what ya think.

Bottom line: a product needs to solve a problem. All your selling points on are aimed at the consumer, not the business. I did not see a single business-oriented selling point, nor business "problem" that your idea "solves". Yet it is the business that would be paying for the product, not the consumer.

I have mapped out a similar system, on paper, but from a completely different point of view. It was a good exercise.

I highly recommend reading a book on marketing, and something like E-Myth.

Regardless, I would like to encourage you to continue.
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Everyone has the hardware ;)

Yes, this is a brilliant idea, I have had the proposal ready for this brilliant idea for quite some time and likewise have been mulling over a K-S campaign for awhile...

Tapping into some industry in house POS systems is where alot of expense comes into play for the paying business...
Optimally the product would be so good that industry would trash their current feeble in house POS systems provider anyway....and go with 'your hardware' :)

So lets throw up a collaborative K-S campaign and burn down the industry!!! (PM me) We are located in Canada - (where all the best ideas come from - Erel's from Canada ya ;) )

---First order of business... complete overhaul of that website!!!
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I do not think it would work for me. I enjoy a dining experience that involves the waiter/waitress. They provide the human element, and take care of many variable details that may otherwise be missed.

Might work for fast food, but I try to avoid that.
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The idea is by now means new, and I have seen restaurants on TV lately working like that.

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Oh! and there I was thinking I'd invented the idea :) just goes to show.

Ok then people, join me in designing it and bringing it to fruition!

An open and honest offer.

Arron in DC, really?

Let me just ask one simple question and please be honest in your replies,

Have you ever gone up to a bar to order food and you have to have a table number so you give the table number, turn around to go back to your table and there's someone sitting there?
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Well, I have. really pissed me off :)

Then I thought,,,, wouldn't it be cool if this ever-expanding populace of internet-enabled mobile devices could just sit down and order from their phone?
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I do not think it would work for me. I enjoy a dining experience that involves the waiter/waitress. They provide the human element, and take care of many variable details that may otherwise be missed.

Might work for fast food, but I try to avoid that.

And in the US, it's my belief that the interaction between waitress and consumer is what helps determine tip - beyond the prescribed % of sale. I would be very curious what impact a system like this would have if you removed the initial interaction, and whether the waiting staff would accept a system that cuts them out of the loop and reduces them to simply being servers of food.

Although the solution being presented seems to preclude serving staff, so perhaps the market for this is aimed more at pubs?
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A simple solution to your dilemna is to assign 1 table number device / sign to each table. If there's a table with no number on it, you can't sit at it. When you want to order, simply take the number from the table up to the counter.
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I am thinking of putting this idea to PayPal, what are your thoughts?

I will get the first prototypes ready first.

I already have backing and help but keep em' coming! You can be IN too!

This is the best idea that I've ever had! Let's get rich people!
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So given the business is the one to pay for this system, how are you planning to sell it to the business?
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Only giving a little bit away of the hardware side of things, it has multiple redundancy, one hardware device per bar.
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ie what are the selling points that are going to convince a business to buy / use your system? If you get up from a table to order, they have your money. Now you return to the table and it's occupied. But the business still have your money, so it's not a problem for them per se.

Why would a business pay for this system? How does it help them?
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I already own my own Ltd. company business called Farstand Data Ltd.

I reckon I can pull this off without backing but a little backing would be nice.

I think I only need to present a prototype to any kind of business that would benefit from online ordering to sell it.

But more importantly, what do YOU think?
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Another bit of givaway.... I must be careful in not giving too much away because of patent rules but....

When the business receives the order, IT HAS ALREADY BEEN PAYED FOR!!!!

Think, micro payments.
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As staff, what priority would you give to an order that has allready been payed for?
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