B4J Question Download image as object

Tim Chapman

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Below is the version of the OpenAI library I am working with.
The DownloadImage sub is causing me a problem.
I want to download an image from OpenAI but not save it at that point. I want to pass it as an object to the code that the library is being used with.
This way the library can be used for both B4A and B4J.

Right now when I compile the code, I get this error:
java.lang.ClassCastException: class anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper$B4XBitmapWrapper cannot be cast to class anywheresoftware.b4j.objects.ImageViewWrapper$ImageWrapper (anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.B4XViewWrapper$B4XBitmapWrapper and anywheresoftware.b4j.objects.ImageViewWrapper$ImageWrapper are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

B4J OpenAI library:
#Event: ChatResponse(Response as string)
#Event: ImageResponse(Image as image)
#Event: TTSResponse(Folder as string, Filename as string)
#Event: Error(message as string)

Sub Class_Globals
    Private apiKey As String
    Private chatList As List
    Private mTarget As Object
    Private mEventname As String
    Public MODEL_GPT4 As Int = 2
    Public MODEL_GPT35_TURBO As Int = 1
    Private CurrentChatModel As Int
    Public IMAGE_1_1 As Int = 1
    Public IMAGE_16_9 As Int = 2
    Public IMAGE_9_16 As Int = 3
    Public TTS_ALLOY As Int = 1
    Public TTS_ECHO As Int = 2
    Public TTS_FABLE As Int = 3
    Public TTS_ONYX As Int = 4
    Public TTS_NOVA As Int = 5
    Public TTS_SHIMMER As Int = 6
    Private TTS_VOICE As Int
    Private ImageAspectRatio As Int
    Private xui As XUI
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize(Target As Object, EventName As String, key As String)
    apiKey = key
End Sub

public Sub SystemMessage(promt As String)
    chatList.Add(CreateMap("role" : "system", "content" : promt))
End Sub

Public Sub ResetChat
End Sub

Public Sub ChatMessage(promt As String)
    chatList.Add(CreateMap("role" : "user", "content" : promt))
End Sub

private Sub sendChat
    If chatList.Size>0 Then
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub setChatModel(model As Int)
End Sub

Public Sub setImageAspectRatio(ratio As Int)
End Sub

Public Sub setTTSVoice(voice As Int)
End Sub

private Sub getModel As String
    Select CurrentChatModel
        Case MODEL_GPT35_TURBO
            Return "gpt-3.5-turbo"
        Case MODEL_GPT4
            Return "gpt-4"
    End Select
    Return "gpt-3.5-turbo"
End Sub

private Sub getAspectRatio As String
    Select ImageAspectRatio
        Case IMAGE_1_1
            Return "1024x1024"
        Case IMAGE_16_9
            Return "1024x1792"
        Case IMAGE_9_16
            Return "1792x1024"
    End Select
    Return "1024x1024"
End Sub

private Sub getVoice As String
    Select TTS_VOICE
        Case TTS_ALLOY
            Return "alloy"
        Case TTS_ECHO
            Return "echo"
        Case TTS_FABLE
            Return "fable"
        Case TTS_ONYX
            Return "onyx"
        Case TTS_NOVA
            Return "nova"
        Case TTS_SHIMMER
            Return "shimmer"
    End Select
    Return "alloy"
End Sub

Private Sub GetChatGPTResponse
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    Dim JSONGenerator As JSONGenerator
    Log("JSON Chatlist: " & JSONGenerator.ToPrettyString(4))
    Dim chat_string As String
    chat_string = $"{"model":"${getModel}","messages":${JSONGenerator.ToString}}"$
    j.PostString("https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", chat_string)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("OpenAI-Organization", "")
    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        Log("OpenAI: ChatResponse ready!")
        Dim response As String = j.GetString
        If xui.SubExists(mTarget, mEventname & "_ChatResponse", 0) Then
            CallSub2(mTarget, mEventname & "_ChatResponse", ParseJson(response))
            Log("OpenAI: ChatResponse sub is missing")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub TextToSpeech(Prompt As String)
    Dim su As StringUtils
    Prompt = su.EncodeUrl(Prompt, "UTF8")
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    Dim request As String
    request = $"{"model":"tts-1","input":"${Prompt}","voice":"${getVoice}"}"$
    j.PostString("https://api.openai.com/v1/audio/speech", request)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("OpenAI-Organization", "")
    Log("OpenAI: Generate TTS...")
    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        Dim inputStream As InputStream = j.GetInputStream
        If xui.SubExists(mTarget, mEventname & "_TTSResponse", 1) Then
            CallSub2(mTarget, mEventname & "_TTSResponse", inputStream)
            Log("OpenAI: TTSResponse sub is missing")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

private Sub ParseJson(json As String) As String
    Dim parser As JSONParser
    Dim Root1 As Map
    Root1 = parser.NextObject
    Dim choices As List
    choices = Root1.Get("choices")
    Dim choiceIndex As Int
    Dim content As String
    For choiceIndex = 0 To choices.Size - 1
        Dim choice As Map
        choice = choices.Get(choiceIndex)
        Dim message As Map
        message = choice.Get("message")
        If content <> "" Then content = content & CRLF
        content = content & message.Get("content")
        chatList.Add(CreateMap("role" : "assistant", "content" : content))
    Return content
End Sub

public Sub generateImage(Prompt As String)
    Dim j As HttpJob
    j.Initialize("", Me)
    Dim request As String
    request = $"{"model":"dall-e-3","prompt":"${Prompt}","n":1,"size":"${getAspectRatio}"}"$
    j.PostString("https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations", request)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " & apiKey)
    j.GetRequest.SetHeader("OpenAI-Organization", "")
    Log("OpenAI: Generate Image...")
    Wait For (j) JobDone(j As HttpJob)
    If j.Success Then
        Dim response As String = j.GetString
        Dim jp As JSONParser
        Dim m As Map = jp.NextObject
        Dim url As String = m.Get("data").As(List).Get(0).As(Map).Get("url")
        wait for (DownloadImage(url)) Complete (image As Image)
        If xui.SubExists(mTarget, mEventname & "_ImageResponse", 1) Then
            CallSub2(mTarget, mEventname & "_ImageResponse", image)
            Log("OpenAI: ImageResponse sub is missing")
        End If
    End If
End Sub

private Sub DownloadImage(Link As String) As ResumableSub
    Log("OpenAI: Download Image...")
    Dim job As HttpJob
    job.Initialize("", Me) 'note that the name parameter is no longer needed.
    Wait For (job) JobDone(job As HttpJob)
    If job.Success Then
        Dim b As B4XBitmap = job.GetBitmap
        Log("OpenAI: Image ready!")
        Return b
    End If
    Return Null
End Sub

Sub error(message As String)
    Dim jp As JSONParser
    If xui.SubExists(mTarget,mEventname& "_Error",0 )Then
        CallSub2(mTarget,mEventname & "_Error", jp.NextObject.Get("error").As(Map).Get("message"))
        Log("OpenAI: TTSResponse sub is missing")
    End If
End Sub

Sub JobDone(Job As HttpJob)
    If Job.Success Then
        Select Job.JobName
            Case "retrieveFileJob"
                ' Handle file retrieval
                Dim inputStream As InputStream = Job.GetInputStream
                If xui.SubExists(mTarget, mEventname & "_FileResponse", 1) Then
                    CallSub2(mTarget, mEventname & "_FileResponse", inputStream)
                    Log("OpenAI: FileResponse sub is missing")
                End If
            Case "ttsJob"
                ' Handle TTS response
                Dim inputStream As InputStream = Job.GetInputStream
                If xui.SubExists(mTarget, mEventname & "_TTSResponse", 1) Then
                    CallSub2(mTarget, mEventname & "_TTSResponse", inputStream)
                    Log("OpenAI: TTSResponse sub is missing")
                End If
                ' Add other cases as needed
            Case Else
                Log("Unhandled Job: " & Job.JobName)
        End Select
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
    End If
End Sub
I solved the problem. See attached code.
This includes an updated library for OpenAI that allows the image or TTS file to be passed back to the main code as an outputstream so the user can save them where they want.

Andrew (Digitwell)

Well-Known Member
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Longtime User
You don't say which line is causing the error.
I assume it is the downloadimage function on line 200.

Remove the "Image" type and use B4xBitmap throughout.
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Tim Chapman

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
I solved the problem. See attached code.
This includes an updated library for OpenAI that allows the image or TTS file to be passed back to the main code as an outputstream so the user can save them where they want.


  • OpenAIExample.zip
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