E-Learning App


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Hello everyone :)

Please do vote here :

As you know we are always looking for the next big thing, we have looked around and we didn't find anything related to E-Learning apps

and of course we would like to develop it and sell the source codes ;)

what do you guys think? is this going to be the next big thing?
and of course any idea you like to add it will be really welcomed, like for example LIVE tutorials streaming :)

The system has the below :
The admin (B4J) can do the following :
1- Upload courses
the courses will be in videos
and each course has chapters
2- Control the students information
3- View and management the purchases

The Student (B4A) can do the following :
1- Login/Register
2- can view the courses and details
3- Able to share the course with friends
4- add to favorites
5- purchase the course and can view it when ever he wants
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You will still need a B4J student app. E-learning is probably easiest from the desktop, where you can ask for essay-like answers from the students. I'm not going to type a paragraph or two on my mobile device.


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I like Udemy but the iOS app cannot cast the video to my TV.


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I like Udemy but the iOS app cannot cast the video to my TV.

I like Udemy too. I have purchased a couple of classes and it fits my needs perfectly. There are also some free classes in it. The best thing is the low price - almost 12,00€ per class. It's a pity that the iOS app cannot cast the video to the TV. Immediately it loses ~18% of the clients that would do that. Fortunately I use it in the Android device as the iPhone I have it only for development.


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excellent idea, especially in this period when there is a lot of distance learning, a system for managing courses and online training is very useful

Brian Michael

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The admin can create test of the courses.
Studens answer the tests.


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If the course is live, a shared whiteboard is a must


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Also bookmarks with observations... also video bookmarks...


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A "my questions" board so the 'student' remembers to ask when possible

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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You can utilize Moodle framework "open source" as a core of E-Learning app, Moodle is api driven & its database is open.


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You can utilize Moodle framework "open source" as a core of E-Learning app, Moodle is api driven & its database is open.
This idea sounds great but we would put an insane amount of work and time into this project in fact in every project we build so selling the source code is the way to cover up the costs.
But let's look at it from the business aspect :
let's say we make it an open source, and make it as many would name it "Donationware" would that be a good business model?
would it be as effective as selling the source code?


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This idea sounds great but we would put an insane amount of work and time into this project in fact in every project we build so selling the source code is the way to cover up the costs.
But let's look at it from the business aspect :
let's say we make it an open source, and make it as many would name it "Donationware" would that be a good business model?
would it be as effective as selling the source code?

Hamied Abou Hulaikah

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This idea sounds great but we would put an insane amount of work and time into this project in fact in every project we build so selling the source code is the way to cover up the costs.
But let's look at it from the business aspect :
let's say we make it an open source, and make it as many would name it "Donationware" would that be a good business model?
would it be as effective as selling the source code?
No, don't make it open source, I meant you can use Moodle as core back-end for your project.


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No, don't make it open source, I meant you can use Moodle as core back-end for your project.
oh.. okay "Moodle", well always aim to create everything from scratch because this way you will have more control and be able to adjust the solution they way you need/want
So i don't think integrating it with any other platform is a good idea :)