EditText Form Sequence


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Hello all - I am new here and hoping for some help. This may come over daft but I am having a problem with the sequence of entry capture on a form. I find that as you hit the 'enter' key focus goes to the next field down as opposed to across... As I do a lot of forms I need to be able to position on particular areas or logical sections as I move thru a form...
I would appreciate any help you can offer..

Ricky D

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not sure if this will do what you want but....

Sub view1_EnterPressed
End Sub

do that for each view to skip to wherever you want

I think that would work.

And if you have conditional focussing you test it like

Sub view1_EnterPressed
'assuming view1 is an edittext
    If view1.Text<>"" Then view2.RequestFocus
End Sub


Sub view1_EnterPressed
'assuming view1 is an edittext
    Select view1.Text
        Case "up"
        Case "down"
        Case Else
              Msgbox("Please choose up or down","Up or Down")
    End Select
End Sub

regards, Ricky
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Thank You Ricky - that looks like the beastie I need.. I will try it now but I am sure it will work....
Much appreciated
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Sub EditText1_EnterPressed
' validate the date - if invalid go back and redo the date capture

ValidDate = DateTime.DateParse(EditText1.Text)
Msgbox(ValidDate,"Invaild Date Entered "&EditText1.Tag)
'EditText1.Enabled = True
'EditText2.Enabled = False
'EditText3.Enabled = False
'EditText4.Enabled = False
End Try
End Sub

I have used the above code and what I get is focus going to EditText4 - which is a text field below EditText1... and not EditText2 which is to the right.
As U can see I tried enabling/disabling EditText(?) and that actualy works but is ugly
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Ricky D

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mmm It doesn't work here either

I tried a simple one out:

this is the screen positions



in the EnterPressed event of edittext1 I do editText2.RequestFocus
and behold it goes to editText3

the next thing I did was to catch the focus on edittext3 to throw focus to edittext2 and that worked :

Sub EditText3_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
   If HasFocus=True Then EditText2.RequestFocus 
End Sub

but the problem with that is when a user touches edittext3 it will jump to edittext2 which is undesirable if you really want edittext3 to get focus

When trapping edittext1's EnterPressed we should set a flag

Sub Globals
    Dim FocusGoingTo As String : FocusGoingTo = ""

in EnterPressed

FocusGoingTo = "edittext2"

in edittext3's FocusChanged

If HasFocus=True Then
    If FocusGoingTo="edittext2" Then
    End If
End If

and in edittext2's FocusChanged

'do some stuff
FocusGoingTo = ""  'do this as the last thing & allows all views to receive focus

That's the only way I can think of doing it. Not knowing much about linux and android in particular I can't say there isn't other ways

regards, Ricky
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Ricky it WORKS!...
Thank you that has done the trick.. It must be said that it is not the most elegant way of having to do it. Wouldn't it be nice if the 'order' could be determined at the Design stage? ...
Once again I would like to thank you for your assistance..
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Ricky D

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yes it certainly is ugly :eek: but then again I used to write code for an ancient cp/m based system (a bulletin board I wrote in Turbo Pascal) that ran on a 64k Microbee with 2 5.25" floppy drives. I had to write some ugly code but in the end if it worked I never minded :)

You should see some of that! omg to be able to embed machine code in your source was way cool of course you needed to know what you were doing exactly to the byte lol.

So when I don't know an easier method to do what you need I guess ugly has to be loved (do comment it - you may forget what the heck is going on later! I've done that lol)

And YES it would be great if we could change the zorder. Maybe android has it? I don't know.

cheers, Ricky
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Ha Ha ... I used to code in Basic on an old Data General and had very little resource avaialbe so had to do a lot of machine code to enable fancy screens... I also had to create my own libraries as I was lazy and didnt want to recode....
Anyway thanks again and if I find a nicer way I will get back to you..
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