A few days ago I digged into an old server in our server room.
I recuperated a nice 210+CFM / 6500RPM / 65db / 35W 12x12x3.8cm fan out of it.
While this beast blows everything from my desk when feeding 12V to it I was wondering how I could adjust the voltage of this so that it operates about at half the speed/noise.
I know the oldskool potentio or fixed resistor method but then I don't know how to calculate which max K resistance value I need.
Are there electronic methods as mini boards aswell that can act as a stepper voltage relay kind of thing that can be triggered by a raspberry pi?
I tried to use one of the 2 USB ports on the solar controller but the limited amperage doesn't seem enough to let the fan spin at 5V.
Alternatively I could look for another fan aswell that does 120CFM or so at 30db
A few days ago I digged into an old server in our server room.
I recuperated a nice 210+CFM / 6500RPM / 65db / 35W 12x12x3.8cm fan out of it.
While this beast blows everything from my desk when feeding 12V to it I was wondering how I could adjust the voltage of this so that it operates about at half the speed/noise.
I know the oldskool potentio or fixed resistor method but then I don't know how to calculate which max K resistance value I need.
Are there electronic methods as mini boards aswell that can act as a stepper voltage relay kind of thing that can be triggered by a raspberry pi?
I tried to use one of the 2 USB ports on the solar controller but the limited amperage doesn't seem enough to let the fan spin at 5V.
Alternatively I could look for another fan aswell that does 120CFM or so at 30db