Hello all,
I tried to detect circles/ellipse as done here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26087035/detecting-circles-in-binary-image/26125304#26125304 with this good very library: OpenCV (wrapped by @JordiCP: ) but I cannot get the perimeter of each contour. Areas, I can get them.
The function arcLength exists but it requested OCVMatOfPoint2f for the first argument. It seems that contours.Get(i) return a OCVMatOfPoint not OCVMatOfPoint2f. So I cannot get it working if someone can help.
My Code is:
Please see enclosed the project.
It can detect all contours as you can see here:
Thank you so much
I tried to detect circles/ellipse as done here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26087035/detecting-circles-in-binary-image/26125304#26125304 with this good very library: OpenCV (wrapped by @JordiCP: ) but I cannot get the perimeter of each contour. Areas, I can get them.
The function arcLength exists but it requested OCVMatOfPoint2f for the first argument. It seems that contours.Get(i) return a OCVMatOfPoint not OCVMatOfPoint2f. So I cannot get it working if someone can help.
My Code is:
Sub ProcessImage
srcMat.copyTo( tmpMat) ' Clone source
Dim edge As OCVMat
Dim contours As List
Dim hierarchy As OCVMat
Dim offset As OCVPoint
Dim i As Int
offset.Initialize(0, 0)
mImgProc.findContours(edge, contours, hierarchy, mImgProc.RETR_EXTERNAL, mImgProc.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE, offset)
Dim myColorScalar As OCVScalar
For i=0 To contours.Size-1
'Dim curve As OCVMatOfPoint2f
'Dim mat As OCVMatOfPoint = contours.Get(i)
Dim p As Double = 0 'mImgProc.arcLength(contours.Get(i), False)
Dim a As Double = mImgProc.contourArea(contours.Get(i), False)
Log("area: " & a & " perimeter: " & p)
'If Abs(1-p*p/(4*3.1413*a))<0.2 Then
mImgProc.drawContours1(srcMat, contours, i, myColorScalar, 2)
'End If
dstIV.Bitmap = dstBitmap
End Sub
Please see enclosed the project.
It can detect all contours as you can see here:
Thank you so much
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