Hi to all,
I never post a question because I always find great solutions reading your posts but now I really can't find a solution for an encryption problem, I have very basic knowledge about it.
I wrote an asmx webservice who receives, from a vb.net program, an encrypted password, decode it and activates some functions to returns some data. All works fine with encryption in vb.net (I used this suggestion) and comunication with the webservice.
Now I'm trying to write an app to do the same thing on Android devices but I stopped with encryption code!
I start with a very basic code:
and the result is: "bXlwYXNzd29yZA=="
instead in vb.net I obtain "fcoG1id4sTqR++7ETTNHzw=="
How can I obtain the same encoded string? I know I should use different approach, something like this I think but maybe there is a simplier (for me!) way.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
I never post a question because I always find great solutions reading your posts but now I really can't find a solution for an encryption problem, I have very basic knowledge about it.
I wrote an asmx webservice who receives, from a vb.net program, an encrypted password, decode it and activates some functions to returns some data. All works fine with encryption in vb.net (I used this suggestion) and comunication with the webservice.
Now I'm trying to write an app to do the same thing on Android devices but I stopped with encryption code!
I start with a very basic code:
Dim B64 As Base64
instead in vb.net I obtain "fcoG1id4sTqR++7ETTNHzw=="
How can I obtain the same encoded string? I know I should use different approach, something like this I think but maybe there is a simplier (for me!) way.
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.