Error on compile with Optimising


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I am using the supplied sample for HTTP

I have a problem with the following line of code in V6.01:


This builds OK and compiles OK with Optimisation off.
With Optimising ON however, I get an error:

Index was out of Range. Must be non-negative an less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name:Index

This line of code is from the HTTP Sample and compiles - runs fine in V5.x

Any thoughts greatly appreciated.

Best Wishes

Tony Hunt


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Thank you specci48,

Unfortunately I had already spotted using V5.x.

The problem is still there.


New Member
Licensed User
Thanks for the quick response.

While collecting the code to post, I have found the problem.

The original code in the sample is.

Sub UploadFile (UploadFile, URL) 'Requires a server with write permission.

NOTE.. The Sub name is the SAME as the first parameter IE:UploadFile

So when the code
is compiled USING THE OPTIMISER IN V6.01, it looks as though it's passing the sub UploadFile as a parameter to the function FileOpen()

Change this to..
Sub UploadFile (LocalFile, URL) 'Requires a server with write permission.


This Now Optimises and runs fine.. It's obviously the result of the less forgiving new compiler..

That can only be a good thing.

Best wishes for your excellent product..

Tony Hunt
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