Even though someone told you it is a shit, others may find it as a treasure!


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Longtime User
Recently I get many private messages request to purchase my Ticketing System source code.
Even the person once told me it is a rubbish but ask me to offer him again. I give him a second chance but he still insist it is a rubbish.
What I want to say is, don't give up. Continue to create what we believe it deserves to be.

Click to zoom


Licensed User
Longtime User
Come on aeric... we all know the value of your contributions here, and they are no simple things, but complex and well developed projects, and with great support from your side.
You even do live training of your products... so, don't be disappointed by trolls.

Maybe he needs a system to make fried potatos, so your app is useless for him. And, by the way, he doesn't deserves an offer for your software, if he needs another software, then he has to develope it...

And, as always...

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Longtime User
Nothing is loved by everyone. It just doesn't happen. Let it go and don't let it get you down.

(In fairness the screenshot doesn't say they think it is shit, their comments doesn't seem very problematic to me.)


Licensed User
Longtime User
Nothing is loved by everyone. It just doesn't happen. Let it go and don't let it get you down.

(In fairness the screenshot doesn't say they think it is shit, their comments doesn't seem very problematic to me.)
Maybe you are right.
I didn't shared the whole conversation. It may seems unfair. It will be a long story if I write the details. I don't want to make it obvious.

At the beginning, he said he needs a system which is based on Web API Server that I shared. In fact, anyone can download and see what is Web API Server.
Do I need to emphasize that you cannot use B4X Views in a web server app?
Maybe it is my mistake that I didn't. I take for granted that all members here are savvy enough to know how to differentiate what is web app and B4X UI app.

When the project reached a certain stage, he told me to use B4X XUI Views into this web project. I told him it is not the way the project is designed.
So he stated that the project is not what he needed. I refunded his donation.

I want to ask him,
if I created something that you don't need, why you want to get it?

No means no. (be careful of what we said, No is a strong word)
It is different if he says yes but... for a tiny 0.0001%
and he repeated saying this is still true today... he never needed this system.

The system is demonstrated as POC and it is progressing towards all the requirements. I get acknowledgement and I made amendments even a total rebuild of the database structure.

Can you imagine the WIP 50% completion project can dropped to 0%?

I don't know what is his intention. My speculation is if he denied the project that it is of 0 value to him so that I can offer it to him at a dirt cheap price. Making him so "generous" to donate to me in return of a rubbish that he doesn't need and would care about.

Lastly, I can say I am a kind person. I can give him something which is almost impossible at my ability if he is kind enough. But if he doesn't appreciate it, even I give him more chances, it is really not worth it.

By the way, I didn't ignore him. So far, I only have 1 ignored member in my list but not him.


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Yes, move on.

Thanks to supporters of my system.
I believe there are something they needed.
It may not the supporting system they need but the concept or idea behind, how the core system works, how the different parts integrated together and how B4X done it compare to mainstream programming languages, which I think they will learn a lot from it.

As I have mentioned in the FAQ, it is not the product itself you are purchasing. You can take the source code to produce another system.


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It could also be a negotiation tactic to get you to lower your price.


Well-Known Member
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I recently purchased the Support/Ticket System project from Aeric.

The project was easy to open and run. The project does exactly what was advertised and more.

I was very impressed with the quality of the code from Aeric!

It’s a shame that people feel the need to be so negative about other people’s work.