I am trying to achive the following:
User enters data in Edittext box, on FocusChanged event I am running some validation code when focus has been lost(HasFocus = False).
User clicks button to Add data, problem is button_click event code is running, adding the data then causing the EditText_Focus changed validation event to fire.
The above is causing me all manner of problems, what I want to achieve is, focus on edittext, user clicks a button, button causes edittext focuschanged event to run and then the button_click event.
Can anybody give me a clue?
User enters data in Edittext box, on FocusChanged event I am running some validation code when focus has been lost(HasFocus = False).
User clicks button to Add data, problem is button_click event code is running, adding the data then causing the EditText_Focus changed validation event to fire.
The above is causing me all manner of problems, what I want to achieve is, focus on edittext, user clicks a button, button causes edittext focuschanged event to run and then the button_click event.
Can anybody give me a clue?