Event Params


Licensed User
Longtime User

I don't know if any else will be interested in this or if there is a better way, but I have a project that requires certain forms to show based on a parameter, these forms are based on a table with over 300 cols!

Its shared by a server app so can't really change this.

So currently I see that overall I will need to add about two hundred edit text fields on various layouts all with their own TextChanged Sub etc.

It would be nice if a reference to the field was passed in. I work with a couple of other languages where a reference to to the object raising the event is passed.

What I normally do then for text fields is name or in this case I would Tag them as the database column they represent and I can then do my updates etc via one sub for all fields.




Licensed User
Longtime User
Have a look here. This will work with any view although the example shows buttons it will work with edittext too, you can add a tag to the edittext and read it. In the example in the wiki it would be referenced as b.tag.
