File.DirAssets question


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I am trying to load an image in to a panel. When a button is pushed, the image appears on the panel, simple enough.

   Dim bg As BitmapDrawable
   bg.Initialize(LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "cam0077.jpg"))
   bg.Gravity = Gravity.FILL
   pnlImages.Background = bg

It compiles fine, but when I run it, I get a directory or file not found error: /C:\Users\Shaun\Documents\b4a\interfacestuff\Files/cam0077.jpg: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)

The file is in the correct directory. Any clue why I am getting this errror?



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This you import it from IDE. click on files at bottom right and then add files? It will import into assets.

Dim IV1 as ImageView

IV1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "cam0077.jpg"))
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Longtime User
This you import it from IDE. click on files at bottom right and then add files? It will import into assets.

Dim IV1 as ImageView

IV1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "cam0077.jpg"))

Yes, it is imported from the IDE. No matter what I do I get a 'file not found exception'.

What could be causing this? Could it be the file type?
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Shaun.. Just to be sure .. maybe check and remove jpg from assets list then re add it to the file assets list.

Failing that can u upload project, File > Export as Zip.

Cheers mj
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I got it to work. I added an imageView. I was still getting the error loading it into the imageView, so in the designer view I set the image file property of the ImageView to my image.

After doing that the file not found error went away and the image showed.

Thanks for all your help!

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Longtime User
OK, I got the error again once I wrote code to make the image appear when I clicked the button. I figured out what was wrong. There was something about the file that it did not like. I loaded a different file that had dashes in it, and still got the error. I took the dashes out, and it loaded as I wanted it to.

imgVirw1.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "mypicture.jpg")


Thanks again.
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