Android Question Fill a Canvas with text from Database (or textfile) - best practise?


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let´s say i already have a canvas object which i can use to draw to.

Based on
Dimensions A4 measures 210 × 297 millimeters or 8.27 × 11.69 inches. In PostScript, its dimensions are rounded off to 595 × 842 points.

i assumed that a Din A4 pagesize should be 595x842 point when generating a PDF-Document. The Canvas for each page i want to write to

I know the canvas has a size of the values above.

my code so far is

    Dim info As PageInfo
    Dim r As Rect
    Dim p As Page = pdf.startPage(info)
    Dim c As Canvas = p.Canvas
    Dim srcrec As Rect

    Dim dstrec As Rect


This results in a pdf page with a image on it. Great so far...

Image now to have some results in a database and i want to write a "table" based on the databaseresults on this canvas.

I never worked with a canvas honestly said... I´ve no experience in working with it.

How would i go now to draw values from the database result to the canvas in a layout like a table.


  • TestpdfCanvas6.pdf
    43.3 KB · Views: 532


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I guess it depends on the library limitations.

Most good pdf tools support html strings/files as source then you can just use html based tables in your document.

You texts will look a lot smoother aswell since it remains vector based fonts and not bitmap data.
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My two cents (using the "classic" canvas way ;))
  • The only needed canvas methods for text are: DrawText, MeasureStringWidth and MeasureStringHeight
  • As each font is different and also they can be monospaced or not, you may want to know which will be the size of a given text before drawing it, so that it will fit the cell. So you can use MeasureStringWidth and MeasureStringHeight in order to know a text size in pixels. This will allow to adjust font size if needed, or "break" the text into different lines if it is long enough...
  • Also take into account that the Y coordinate in Canvas.DrawText refers to its bottom, not the top as int labels

That said, If you have for instance 4 columns and 10 rows of data, now you need to "plan" a layout for this data in code
(totally untested and some values have to be defined, but will give you an idea)
:p Confirmed! Nested spoilers work like a charm!!
Dim x_padding as int = 4dip
Dim y_padding as int=2dip
Dim margin as int = page_width/20
Dim NUM_ROWS as int =10
Dim NUM_COLS as int=4
Dim Y_TOP as int = page_height/10
Dim CELL_WIDTH as Int = (page_width - 2*margin)/NUM_COLS    'or whatever you choose
Dim CELL_WIDTH_ACTIVE as int = CELL_WIDTH - 2*x_padding
Dim CELL_HEIGHT as int = ...

'Here you can adapt your font size so that all texts can fit in the cells, or adapt the texts (trubcate, ...) for a given font size
Dim myCanvas as canvas
Dim myTextentries(NUM_ROWS*NUM_COLS) as string=Array as String("First text","Second text",......)
Dim myFontSize as int = 25
for k=0 to num_entries-1 
  Dim myText as string = myTextEntries(k)
  for mySize=1 to 100
    Dim ww as int = myCanvas.MeasureStringWidth(myText,myTypeface,mySize)
    if ww>=CELL_WIDTH_ACTIVE then
       'Here you can choose to adapt the font size, truncate the text, .....
    end if

    'Can do something similar with height, if you decide to draw multiline.....

for y=0 to NUM_ROWS-1
  for x=0 to NUM_COLS-1
    myText=myTextEntries(y*NUM_COLS+x)  'or whatever order they have
    'Texts aligned to the left for each cell
    'myCanvas.DrawText( myText, LEFT_MARGIN + x*CELL_WIDTH + x_padding, Y_TOP+y*CELL_HEIGHT+y_padding, Typeface.DEFAULT, myFontSize, myTextColor, "LEFT")
    'Horizontally center aligned texts in each cell
    myCanvas.DrawText( myText, LEFT_MARGIN + x*CELL_WIDTH + CELL_WIDTH/2, Y_TOP+y*CELL_HEIGHT+y_padding, Typeface.DEFAULT, myFontSize, myTextColor, "CENTER")
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Manfred, what do you want to have at the end?

1. a PDF which contains a picture and a table (see the pdfjet example. There is an example for both: picture and table. Just combine).
2. a canvas with an image AND the table written on it, too?
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I guess it depends on the library limitations
I guess you are right. The android Pdf-Document and Pdf-Page does not have much posssibilities.
BUT with this few i am able to create a pdf with a few lines of code. But with no need of a expensive pdf-library.
The bad thing is that i´m now forced to use the Canvas to fill a pdf-page i want to generate.
Most good pdf tools support html strings/files as source then you can just use html based tables in your document.
You are surely right and i saw similar things too when looking at the professional pdf libs in the net.
Unfortunately Google does not provide such helper methods
You texts will look a lot smoother aswell since it remains vector based fonts and not bitmap data.
With the Android.jar i´m limited to use the Canvas i guess.
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Also take into account that the Y coordinate in Canvas.DrawText refers to its bottom, not the top as int labels
Ohh, i guess this is the problem i encounter yesterday but did not know about this fact...
Thank you!

Can you confirm this (post #1) or do you recomment other values?
i assumed that a Din A4 pagesize should be 595x842 point when generating a PDF-Document

totally untested and some values have to be defined, but will give you an idea



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Longtime User
Can you confirm this (post #1) or do you recomment other values?
I'm really bad designing layouts. So I would try to find a printed job which I like and then "translate" the observed dimensions (margins, paddings,...) into code
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