I am wanting to use the FindNextTime sub mentioned here to pass in values from a list as the parameter (rather than hardcoded values). I tried to give it a string but it won't accept it, how should I do it?
And I'm getting:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "12.016666666666667,17.2"
I am wanting to use the FindNextTime sub mentioned here to pass in values from a list as the parameter (rather than hardcoded values). I tried to give it a string but it won't accept it, how should I do it?
Dim strTimes As String
strTimes = 12+01/60
Dim strTimes2 As String
strTimes2 = 17+12/60
Dim strFinal As String = strTimes & "," & strTimes2
Dim t As Long = FindNextTime(strFinal)
And I'm getting:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "12.016666666666667,17.2"