Android Question Finishing an application...


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I know, there are some similiar threads about, but is it possible to force Android to completely remove all applicationdata from memory when leaving the application?
Reason: I tested my application so far on a small phone (HTC One V). Because of its limitations in available free memory I never had that problem.

Finishing my application with:


When running on a larger device (Samsung Tab 3), Android is caching the data and when restarting the application, it starts where I left. Only workaround so far is to do a memory cleanup with an external tool, an app called Fast Reboot before I give my application a go again.

In my application there is a need sometimes for a restart, encrypting a database and use it then with different starting parameters, or do some special things after startup depending how I left my application. This all goes to waste because of that caching problem.

An ideas?