Yours probably bigger than ours. Sale and possession of fireworks has been banned for the general public here since I was a teenager. Whereas before that happened, the milk bar next to my primary school did a roaring trade in explosives. and it is surprising that most of us survived to adulthood. ?
from WA... yeah we used to save up and head down to the fruit & vegi store to get ours.
We were lucky to have some vacant land next door that every one seemed to aim for with the rockets and whatnot. The next morning we'd
Go hunting for all the fizogs which would arm us up for a few days of fun. ?
I remember one year, we had all our big red crackers ( can't remember all the cool names they had) in 2 singer sewing machine drawers behind us...
lighting and throwing into the block, after maybe only 6 or so chucks the wick must have fallen out into a drawer.
We thought we had thrown a dud, as there was no bang... But then all hell broke loose with nearly all our arsenal going up at once.
It was an early night that year... ?
Last night was insane... We just plonked ourself in a couple of Beach chairs which gave us a great view of the coastline (Sanur and north)
From 6pm onwards it was just a constant show as far as the eyes could see (and 2 foot in front ?)
I thought they were clamping down a bit on fireworks here... The stall owners usually have them partially hidden.. But this trip they are everywhere
and every night over 3 weeks we are treated to numerous shows while eating. (and drinking that delicious Bintang). ?