I have a 1000 character and need to show it in my app
I don't want to show all character in one label with scroll
Actually i need to divide 1000 character to many panel and show it in AHViewPager
Example 200 character in first panel,200 character in next panel and other panel
200 character is fit for label
I add LineSpace and Paddinglabel on label and and get MeasureMultilineTextHeight of label
and divide result with activity height to get character count each label in panel
But i cannot get correct result (however result is correct when i don't affect LineSpace or PaddingLabel)
In below code i try to measure Text height and divide with activity height for get character count placed in Label
Thank you guys.
I have a 1000 character and need to show it in my app
I don't want to show all character in one label with scroll
Actually i need to divide 1000 character to many panel and show it in AHViewPager
Example 200 character in first panel,200 character in next panel and other panel
200 character is fit for label
I add LineSpace and Paddinglabel on label and and get MeasureMultilineTextHeight of label
and divide result with activity height to get character count each label in panel
But i cannot get correct result (however result is correct when i don't affect LineSpace or PaddingLabel)
In below code i try to measure Text height and divide with activity height for get character count placed in Label
Dim lb As Label
lb.TextSize = FontSize
lb.Typeface = Typeface.LoadFromAssets("tahoma.ttf")
CountPage = su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(lb,content) / 100%y ' get count page
textCount = content.Length / CountPage 'get text count placed in each label in panel