Hi All!
After a lot of efford its time for my first app.
well almost , it still is a little buggy and there are a few things i havent yet tested ,
thats why i need this forums loyal member to help me
After reading andymc's clooney bird tutorial i had the idea to create a multiplayer flappy bird
So i create the Game server in vb6 where i feel very comfortable and the game in b4a witch also makes me
feel comfortable.
The sad thing is that i haveng got the slightest idea how the server will perform having many users online.
So what new :
Online Multiplayer
you can either go Multiplayer race or Party Race or single player
The difference is that in multiplayer race you enter a room and play against up to 10
opponents the game lasts 60 second and at the end you get point based on your position
in party mode you play for highest score in the main game room.
Single player is great for Practice!
The obstacles change every 4 minutes.
And since this is a race you can now change the speed
depending on where you tap , left slow right Fast !
all you have to do is signup - login and go!
So please Try it and let me know of all the bugs you face so it can be a better game. And i also hope you
enjoy it!