First I have one question regarding to formatting strings. I have one positive number type integer (14040) and I want to display it in label but in format 14,040 (##,### last three digits are decimal value). Is there any simple solution how to format that? Just for example Bascom AVR is using command called "Format" ( target = FORMAT(source, "mask") where mask is format needed).
I'm working on one app which will be used as remote display. I will explain my problems and share my solutions to help someone with same problems.
I'm using Bluetooth communication for getting data from device. Because I need fast refresh rate I'm sparing with "byte's". Data consists of few integers and bytes (first two bytes are one int and next two are second int etc). With app I'm receiving separate bytes and converting it first to 0-255 value int and making integers using formula: INT = B(1) * 256 + B(2). And that data is displayed. Simple as that.
I'm working on one app which will be used as remote display. I will explain my problems and share my solutions to help someone with same problems.
I'm using Bluetooth communication for getting data from device. Because I need fast refresh rate I'm sparing with "byte's". Data consists of few integers and bytes (first two bytes are one int and next two are second int etc). With app I'm receiving separate bytes and converting it first to 0-255 value int and making integers using formula: INT = B(1) * 256 + B(2). And that data is displayed. Simple as that.