Android Question FQL, Graph API & Httpjob


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Check my code first

Dim Aturl As String
        Aturl = " post_id FROM stream WHERE type=46 AND created_time >" & FromDate & "AND created_time <" & ToDate & " AND source_id = me() AND actor_id = me()&access_token="&AccessToken

        Dim hj As HttpJob
        hj.Initialize("ID", Me)
        hj.Download(Aturl.Replace(" ", "%20"))

And it's breaking here: hj.Download(Aturl.Replace(" ", "%20")). I've tried without replacing blank space and failed every time.

Need expert's advice.


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What is the error message?

You should use hj.Download2 to correctly encode the parameters.
After replacing > & <, everything worked fine. But Erel, why you're not releasing Facebook library. I think everyone needs that.
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