Share My Creation Froggy Math

I know there are thousands of childrens math game apps but I wanted to make one of my own for my 4 year old.

Includes basic math, counting, and memory games.
He doesn't quite get the object yet. He just likes to smash the bugs and see the frog dance around.

This ones a little large topping off at 11mb but those silly animations just take alot of frames.

Anyway apreciate any comments.


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Peter Simpson

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I've just checked out your app on Play Market. The game in with the flying numbers need to be slowed down for or at least have the option to slow it down.

Also I managed to crash the app. Screen shot included.


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Thanks for the feedback.

I added a difficulty setting for the speed - slow, normal, and fast

I can't seem to duplicate the error. I know where it's at in the code but am not sure why it happend though.

The file in question is referring to the image I was going to use for the division symbol but I decided not to include division in this version of the app for now.


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Congrats, WAZUMBi !
Your game is looking very nicely done, and I REALLY appreciate your work !
I am perhaps the only person who installed the game and received an error straight away... Here is what I get right after starting the game: (sorry I don't know how to get a screenshot of my device...

Error occurred
An error has occurred in sub:main_initsounds (java line: 2836) setDataSourceFD failed.:

if I tap on Yes, I get two X icons in order to close the game. I tap on one of them and I get:
Error occurred
An error has occurred in sub:main_btnexit_click (java line: 622)

Please, check these errors, because I think your game (and work you did) is great ! It would be such a waste if people could not play it :(

Keep up the good work !!!


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Thanks for the feedback. :eek:

This error has come up many times on ALL of my apps developed with B4A. And then only on specific devices, namely my Samsung Infuse (I am assuming it is the Android version - 2.2.1).

It appears to be an issue related to not properly releasing sound files when the app is closed. I simply was not doing this at first and after Erel explained it to me I went back to all my apps and updated them.

Which brings us to your issue. What Android version does your device have? Are you currently developing any apps on it with sound?

I've found if you that if you have Android 2.2.1 and do not properly release sound files loaded in a B4A app then it will crash all(or most) other B4A apps using sound.

At least this is what happended in my case. It did not matter which one of my apps(developed with B4A) I tried to load, they would all crash until I did this to the affecting app. This issue is simply non-existent on all my other test devices.


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...Which brings us to your issue. What Android version does your device have? Are you currently developing any apps on it with sound?
The device I use is MP777, Android version 4.1.1. I am not developing an app with sound, unfortunately, I cannot be really of help to you. :( But I am glad you are so ahead with resolving the issue! I can see you are doing great with B4A, so this should not be a problem. Just guessing here: before you try to play a sound, could you check if the sound system is occupied or something like that, so your sounds would not cause the app to crash ? Cheers, Krokiz.


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Sound subsystem and other stuff

I actually would have a lot of questions about the B4A (graphics, files), and would ask them to you, but would not want to bother you, if you (most likely) don't have time for that (?)
What if I ask you some questions in private? or here? Again, I don't wanna bother you! Krokiz.