Android Question FTP: FileZIlla FTP Server Versus Microsoft Windows FTP Server 2008


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I can only send files to a FIlezilla server using FTP.Passivemode= False and WiFi is ON. It would not work with passivemode=true. If I turn WiFi OFF or there is no WiFi in the area, I cannot send files using cellular from a phone. No errors show.
When I use the same exact FTP application as used above and send files to a Microsoft Windows 2008 server with FTP.Passivemode=True , I can send and receive files whether WiFi is ON or OFF without any problems.
Can anybody help me with some ideas on what to do to get the Send/Receive process to FIlezilla server to work when no WiFI is present. I do not think the problem is with my code as sending/receiving to Microsoft Server works well, unless something I can change in my code to accommodate FIlezilla or maybe the problem is with the settings in Filezilla server.
Thank you very much


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Longtime User
Is your FileZilla server configured to allow passive requests?
The Passivemose is TRUE on the server as reported to me by IT, but we can only send/receive via WiFi by changing to passivemode=False. But no cellular by any method. Is there anywhere else to look for clues?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
The connection over WiFi is a different interface with a different route than the wired one, probably the AP you connect to doesnt allow this, you can ask them to either allow it or provide you with a number of ports you can use for passive
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