Hi everyone
I try to manage a possible error with FTP1.LIST ()
I disable server connection or change ip with an incorrect one
tried to modify TimeoutMs with various values eg.
FTP1.TimeoutMs = 5000
time taken per event about 130 seconds
how to lower this time?
in case of error I check another server
I try to manage a possible error with FTP1.LIST ()
I disable server connection or change ip with an incorrect one
tried to modify TimeoutMs with various values eg.
FTP1.TimeoutMs = 5000
time taken per event about 130 seconds
how to lower this time?
in case of error I check another server
If FTP1.IsInitialized Then
End If
FTP1.UseSSL = False
FTP1.PassiveMode = True
FTP1.TimeoutMs = 5000
Dim obj As Object= FTP1.List($"/${FolderName}"$)
Wait For (obj) ftp_ListCompleted(ServerPath As String, Success As Boolean, Folders() As FTPEntry, Files() As FTPEntry)