Android Question GCM push notifications (can't find or load main class ...)


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Hi all,

I've registered for GCM, I've got my API key and everything appears ready to go. I've registered my Galaxy S4's unique device ID and I've confirmed it's in the database on my website in the c2dm table.

I've got the config.txt file configured with the correct board_url and server_password and also the api_key is correct.

I've got three files b4a_gcm.bat & .jar and the config.txt, but which folder on my pc do I run the batch file from?

When I run the bat from the folder, it gives an error message:

Error: Could not find or load main class richkidsoftware.mibeer.c2dm.C2DM

I've installed the APK on my S4, it's registered the device id, but Windows doesn't know anything about this yet (obviously) so I can't send a test message.

What am I missing?

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