B4J Question Get Font For Cell In Tableview?


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Can't wok out how to do this using JavaObject. I know I need to query the cellfactory for the cell or the column but this doesn't work

Dim TableViewJO As JavaObject = TableView1
For ColumnCntr = 0 To TableView1.ColumnsCount - 1
 Dim ColumnFont As Font


Well-Known Member
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I am trying to build a generic way to calculate the column sizes for a Tableview. The Tableview is dynamic so can have many columns.

At the moment I am just getting the font size for the whole TableView and assuming it's using the default font.

TVFont = fx.DefaultFont(CSSUtils.GetStyleProperty(ExcelTableView,"-fx-font-size"))

Then I use a TextBuilder to get the width of the text.

Sub Class_Globals
    Private JOTextMetric As JavaObject
End Sub
'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Public Sub getTextWidth(Text As String,TextFont As Font) As Int
    Return JOTextMetric.RunMethodJO("create",Null).RunMethodJO("text",Array(Text)).RunMethodJO("font",Array(TextFont)).RunMethodJO("build",Null).RunMethodJO("getLayoutBounds",Null).RunMethod("getWidth",Null)
End Sub
Public Sub getTextHeight(Text As String,TextFont As Font) As Int
    Return JOTextMetric.RunMethodJO("create",Null).RunMethodJO("text",Array(Text)).RunMethodJO("font",Array(TextFont)).RunMethodJO("build",Null).RunMethodJO("getLayoutBounds",Null).RunMethod("getHeight",Null)
End Sub
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