Get Twitter updates.


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Let me just say that I have no experience working with HTTP-related libraries.
Never the less, I could use some help.

I need to get Twitter updates from this account Wikipedia_tfa.
The only way I can imagine is to download the source code and scan though it until you get to the latest tweet.
In theory it works, but it's awfully slow.
Also if Twitter would change their source codes, I might run into trouble looking for a HTML tag that isn't there.

I Googled around a bit and found Twitteroo, a library for .NET that works with B4PPC.
But I don't know how to use it. I translated some C# code I found on their web page but it doesn't seem to do anything.
Unlike this other library I found, TwitterVB.
When I try to add it as a component I get an error message saying "an entry with the same key has already been added" (or something similar).

Any ideas?
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