Android Code Snippet GetBitmapSizeinBytes

Gets the size in bytes of a bitmap in a Bitmap Drawable.
Should give an idea to understand better the "in-memory size of the bitmap".

Note: different devices use different color modes, and thus take up different amounts of memory for the full, uncompressed image. The 4 modes listed in the Android SDK are ALPHA_8, ARGB_4444, ARGB_8888, and RGB_565

Requires: JavaObject

Sub Whatever
    Dim photo As Bitmap
End Sub

Sub GetBitmapSizeinBytes (myBitmap As Bitmap) As Int
    Dim ByteCount As Int
    Dim jo As JavaObject = myBitmap
    Dim joSDK As JavaObject
        If joSDK.GetField("SDK_INT") >= 19 Then  'kitkat
            ByteCount = jo.RunMethod("getAllocationByteCount", Null)
        else if joSDK.GetField("SDK_INT") >= 12 Then   'Android 3.1 Honeycomb
            ByteCount = jo.RunMethod("getByteCount", Null)
        Else     'earlier Android versions 
            ByteCount = jo.RunMethod("getRowBytes", Null) * myBitmap.Height

            'the code below could replace the formula above for earlier Android versions
           'ByteCount = myBitmap.Width * myBitmap.Height * 4                                               
        End If
    Return ByteCount
End Sub

Hope it might turn out to be useful for someone.
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