Got the following code.
The first call to GetMethod runs fine. The other calls fail with a Class Not Found Exception. How do I register a method with no parameters?
Dim Types(1) As String
Types(0) = "[B"
'Create an instance of theCRC32 class using reflection ans set it as the target of the Reflector.
oReflector.Target = oReflector.CreateObject("")
'Register the Update method of the CRC32 class [public void update (byte[] buf)]
'Adds the byte array passed to the data that the checksum is being calculated for
omUpdate= oReflector.GetMethod("update",Types)
Types(0) = ""
'Register the get method of the CRC32 class [public long getValue ()]
'Returns the CRC32 checksum as a long
omGetValue = oReflector.GetMethod("getValue",Types)
'Register the reset method of the CRC32 class [public void reset ()]
'Clears the data that the checksum is being calculated for so a new checksum can be calculated
omReset = oReflector.GetMethod("reset",Types)
The first call to GetMethod runs fine. The other calls fail with a Class Not Found Exception. How do I register a method with no parameters?