iOS Code Snippet Getting Device Properties

This has been sources from questions asked, just consolidated it here...

Sub GetDeviceSystemName As String
    ' get the system name of the device
    Dim device As NativeObject
    device = device.Initialize("UIDevice").RunMethod("currentDevice", Null)
    Dim name As Object = device.GetField("systemName").AsString
    Return name
End Sub

Sub GetDeviceModel As String
    ' get the device model
    Dim device As NativeObject
    device = device.Initialize("UIDevice").RunMethod("currentDevice", Null)
    Dim name As Object = device.GetField("model").AsString
    Return name
End Sub

Sub GetDeviceName As String
    ' get the device name
    Dim device As NativeObject
    device = device.Initialize("UIDevice").RunMethod("currentDevice", Null)
    Dim name As Object = device.GetField("name").AsString
    Return name
End Sub

Sub GetIMEI As String
    ' get device unique identifier
    Dim device As NativeObject
    device = device.Initialize("UIDevice").RunMethod("currentDevice", Null)
    Dim name As String = device.GetField("identifierForVendor").AsString 
    Return name
End Sub

Sub GetPackageName As String
   ' get your app package name
   Dim no As NativeObject
   no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null)
   Dim name As Object = no.RunMethod("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:", Array("CFBundleIdentifier"))
   Return name
End Sub

Sub GetAppName As String
    ' get app name
   Dim no As NativeObject
   no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null)
   Dim name As Object = no.RunMethod("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:", Array("CFBundleDisplayName"))
   Return name
End Sub

Sub GetVersion As String
   Dim no As NativeObject
   no = no.Initialize("NSBundle").RunMethod("mainBundle", Null)
   Dim name As Object = no.RunMethod("objectForInfoDictionaryKey:", Array("CFBundleShortVersionString"))
   Return name
End Sub

Yvon Steinthal

Active Member
Licensed User
Hello, quick question!
Can i stock these info in a DB? I mean is it allowed by Apple?
Im guessing so if they allow access...
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