Getting Started - New User


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Hello All,

I have spent the day reading as much as possible on the getting started.
I have downloaded the Guides & Sample, A good few pages to read yet.

I have not done any programming since the early 80's, that was BBC Basic.
So I thought at a semi late age, I would try a new challenge with Android.

I just want to clarify a couple of points on the install.?

I followed the download instructions and have these files:
- jdk-6u26-windows-i586.exe
- installer_r16-windows.exe
After following one of the many link, I ended up on Android Developer SDK.
I found they have = installer_r18-windows.exe
Should I use this version? with the latest version of B4A v1.9

Also I plan to install on my Desktop,
I have my Desktop PC\Drives setup in a certain way for me:
C:\ purely OS(XP Pro/sp3+), and programs that will insist on being there.
D:\ for my data files
E:\ for my programs
F:\ Local data backup, and drive images

Can I do the B4A\SDK installs to my E:\ drive?

Last question, for now?
I use SugarSynch for file backup/file synch with my laptop.
Is this likely to interfere in anyway with any development?

Many Thanks

Dave the :sign0104:


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SugarSync will not interfere...I use Dropbox and have no problems.

When you install the SDK, let it run and you will have to download and install a lot of the lib' will take some time. I didn't realize this when I did my first install and I couldn't get B4A to work right. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes to install the whole SDK. Read the install guide very carefully.
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Welcome to B4A,

Answer to you questions:
I found they have = installer_r18-windows.exe
Should I use this version? with the latest version of B4A v1.9
Yes, just install the most recent SDK.

Can I do the B4A\SDK installs to my E:\ drive?

I use SugarSynch for file backup/file synch with my laptop.
Is this likely to interfere in anyway with any development?
I'm not familiar with that backup system but I don't believe that you will have any problems, I think most of the developers in these forums have some kind of backup utility and as far as I know, no one has reported any issues.
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Many Thanks for the prompt response,
Much appreciated.

SugarSync will not interfere...I use Dropbox and have no problems..
Thanks, just wanted to make sure.

When you install the SDK, let it run and you will have to download and install a lot of the lib' will take some time. I didn't realize this when I did my first install and I couldn't get B4A to work right. It will take about 5 to 10 minutes to install the whole SDK.
Thanks, I also noted the suggestion to turn any Antivirus off during install?

Read the install guide very carefully.
I assume you mean the "Installing the SDK" @ Android Development Site
Yes, I still have a lot to read, take in, and then put into practice.

Thanks for the support/help.
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Thanks & One More Question?

Hello All,

Many thanks again for the replies, much appreciated.
I have been doing a lot more reading, and preparation.
I want to keep the old brain matter going, and something new for me.

One thing I'm a little unsure of, the "USB Drivers"?
I have looked on Developer Android/Google, plus many more....!!!
I have found many Android USB Drivers, more than you can shake a stick at.

I'm getting a Ployer MOMO9 Tablet, Display: 800X480 @ 160 PPI
based on "All Winner A10, 1.2GHz; GPU: Mali 400" with ICS 4.0.3

I have WinXP-Pro(SP3) + latest MS updates.
Can somebody point me to a known good/valid USB Driver package.

I have 3 USB packages all with different content??
USB#3 only contains .inf file
Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#1

11/04/2012 23:27 <DIR>
11/06/2010 11:32 8,938
11/06/2010 11:32 8,974
19/06/2010 15:41 4,739 android_winusb.inf
11/04/2012 23:27 <DIR> i386
Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#1\i386

11/04/2012 23:27 <DIR> .
11/04/2012 23:27 <DIR> ..
11/06/2010 11:32 236 NOTICE
11/06/2010 11:32 1,112,288 WdfCoInstaller01007.dll
11/06/2010 11:32 581,192 WinUSBCoInstaller.dll
11/06/2010 11:32 1,302,600 WUDFUpdate_01007.dll
4 File(s) 2,996,316 bytes

Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#2

12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> .
12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> ..
12/01/2011 22:15 8,432 android_test.inf
11/04/2011 13:55 2,953 android_usb.inf
12/04/2011 00:41 3,738 android_winusb.inf
12/04/2011 00:40 2,384 android_winusb2.inf
12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> i386
12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> lg
4 File(s) 17,507 bytes

Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#2\i386

12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> .
12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> ..
01/12/2009 11:51 31,312 androidusb.sys
12/01/2011 22:15 121,192 ssadbus.sys
12/01/2011 22:15 10,344 ssadwhnt.sys
08/11/2009 03:41 1,112,288 WdfCoInstaller01007.dll
08/11/2009 03:41 581,192 WinUSBCoInstaller.dll
5 File(s) 1,856,328 bytes

Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#2\lg

12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> .
12/04/2012 03:23 <DIR> ..
06/08/2010 14:22 5,067 lgandbus.inf
06/08/2010 14:22 14,336 lgandbus.sys
06/08/2010 14:22 5,090 lgandbus64.inf
06/08/2010 14:22 19,456 lgandbus64.sys
06/08/2010 14:22 10,430
06/08/2010 14:22 10,558
6 File(s) 64,937 bytes

Directory of F:\AndroidDev\tablet\USBDriver#3

13/04/2012 00:37 <DIR> .
13/04/2012 00:37 <DIR> ..
18/03/2012 18:53 17,625 android_winusb.inf
1 File(s) 17,625 bytes


Many Thanks
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USB Drivers

Hi Sorry,

Yes, I meant at "Android Development Site"
It said look here for Brand specific, My device not there...
Then look in OEM, not there, so it said find them.
I did not see them on Ployer Site, unless I missed them.
I think it is Chinese?

So with Google, found the 3 different packages listed.
Hope that makes sense?

This is all new to me, so I don't want have any self inflicted problems.

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I would suggest just using the wireless connection that b4a includes in the tools menu. This way you don't need to mess with USB cables or drivers to do debugging/designing/installing on the new tablet.

Just fire up the wireless connection on the tablet, install the b4abridge app, run the app, and connect to the tablet through the b4a tools menu for b4abridge.

--- Jem
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Longtime User

Hi HotShoe,

Thanks for the suggestion, I did see the Wireless Bridge information.
This is all very new to me, and I was taking the walk before you run approach.

I will read up on the wireless option.

Thanks again

-- Dave
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