I added a module but am unable to find how to show the second page, should it appear as a tab next to the "Main" tab in the Designer?
sSheetCover2.bal is also missing from the files tab....
There are several ways of getting to a second page. You could use a button and Sub to that "layout".
sSheetCover2.bal, Did you create this file and save it in the designer?
Take a look at THIS example.
In designer make sure you save a design as sSheetCover2No idea what you mean by did i create the file.
I added a new module and gave it a name and am trying to open/view it.
In designer make sure you save a design as sSheetCover2
If you already created the sSheetCover2.bal it would show in the File (dropdown) top left in designer not next to Main tab.
It would also show when you click on the Files tab at the bottom right as an added file.
Once verified there.
try this in your first module
make a Button Sub (if you want to get to this page by a button click)
If correct you would go to your sSheetCover2
Good Luck
Sub button1_click
End Sub
Glad you got it working.:icon_clap:ok, all sorted.
It turns out you not only need to do the above but as giga stats you also need to add a module named the same as what you call the new page i created via the "designer window you select "File/New/Save" procedure.